All Classes and Interfaces

A partial implementation of a Poly.
A directed graph implementation based on a Map between nodes and their outgoing sets.
An arc of a directed graph with nodes of type T.
A directed graph implementation based on a list of Arcs and one of nodes.
A collection of Consumers to be used in graph visits.
Un corpo celeste.
A class representing decimal digits of a long.
A class representing decimal digits of a long, endowed with a non zero digits iterator, based on an anonymos class.
A class representing decimal digits of a long, endowed with a non zero digits iterator, based on the external NonZeroDigitsGenerator class.
A class representing decimal digits of a long, endowed with a non zero digits iterator, based on the inner NonZeroDigitsGeneratorIG class
A class representing decimal digits of a long, endowed with a non zero digits iterator, based on the nested static NonZeroDigitsGeneratorNS class.
A nested static class implementing the genrator.
A dense polynomial with integer coefficients.
An interface representing an directed graph where nodes are of generic type T.
Tests directed graph package generating a Dot file.
A collection of utilities related to DiGraphs.
Tests directed graph package with visits.
Thrown when an application attempts to use extract elements from an empty IntSet.
Vedi testo.
Una frazione.
Vedi testo, ma leggendo dal flusso d'ingresso (invece che usando gli argomenti sulla linea di comando).
An implicit directed graph implementation.
Generator (in Liskov parlance) of the ints contained in a List.
Una conda limitata contenente interi.
Calsse utilizzata per verificare il comportamento di IntQueue.
Iterable of integers with configurable initial from, to, and step values.
IntSets are mutable, unbounded sets of integers.
IntSets are mutable, unbounded sets of integers.
IntSets are mutable, unbounded sets of integers.
IntSets are mutable, unbounded sets of integers.
IntSets are mutable, unbounded sets of integers.
A collection of methods for IntSets.
Classe per il test di IntSet IntGenerator.
Esempio di MaxIntSet tratto dalla sezione 7.4 del libro di testo di Liskov et al..
Classe di test per MaxIntSet.
Thrown when an application attempts to use a negative exponent in a Poly.
Lista ordinata di interi senza ripetizioni.
Lista ordinata di elementi di tipo T senza ripetizioni.
Vedi testo, eliminando la richiesta: "senza fare uso di cicli".
Un pianeta.
Polys are immutable polynomials with integer coefficients.
Polys are immutable polynomials with integer coefficients.
Polys are immutable polynomials with integer coefficients.
Polys are immutable polynomials with integer coefficients.
Polys are immutable polynomials with integer coefficients.
A collection of methods for Polys.
Iteratore che genera i numeri primi.
Punto tridimensionale, immutabile e a coordinate intere.
A collection of utilities related to Queuess.
Classe di utilità per il calcolo delle radici quadrate.
Classe di utilità per il calcolo delle radici quadrate.
Un sistema astronomico.
Consente di verificare il comportamento di un sistema astronomico.
SparsePolys are immutable polynomials with integer coefficients such that the number of nonzero coefficient is small with respect to the degree.
SparsePolys are immutable polynomials with integer coefficients such that the number of nonzero coefficient is small with respect to the degree.
A sparse implementation of Poly.
A record holding a term of the polynomial.
A record holding a term of the polynomial.
Una stella fissa.
Iteratori di utilità per stringe.
A class to test StringIterators.
Test della riduzione ai minimi termini di una frazione.
Test del prodotto tra frazioni.
Test del prodotto tra frazioni e numeri interi.
Test della somma tra frazioni.
Vedi testo.
UnboundedSets are mutable, unbounded sets of elements of a given type.
Vedi testo.